Tuesday, November 16, 2010


For those who don't know, Ayurveda is a system of traditional medicine and lifestyle management developed in India over 3,500 years ago.  It is still widely practiced here and is used as a form of "complimentary medicine" in western culture. 

I had an appointment with an Ayurvedic doctor at the Ayurvedic college here in Udupi earlier today.  The good news is that his prescription for me for was a 1/12 - 2 hour Ayurvedic massage every day for 7 days.  Yay!  More good news is that he confirmed that I should not eat spicy foods like chilis, or bitter foods, which I don't care for anyway.  The not so good part of the prescription is that I can't have any cold foods, fried foods or soy products.  Since it's still miserably hot here, I am a southern girl, and I use soy milk for my masala chai to wake me up every morning, this part is going to be challenging.  I'm looking forward to the treatments, though, and to seeing how it affects my energy level in the end.  My first massage appointment is at 9:00am tomorrow.  I'll blog about it afterwords. 

In the mean time, Vikas was successful in arranging daily harmonium lessons for Jasmine. :-)  The teacher's shop is just a short walk from the flat so that is an added bonus.  Jasmine hasn't been getting enough exercise since we got here. It's way too hot to put her in dance classes during the day and all the other kids are in school, so a daily walk will be a great addition for her. 

Family is doing well.  I think my MIL is more at ease since she's back to a somewhat normal daily routine.  She made this crazy yummy dosas this morning that are made from a batter of fermented rice flour and coconut.  I want to learn to make them but I don't know if I'll be able to make them at home because they have to be cooked on a special clay pan.  I'll have to see what I can do about getting one.  Maybe I can get one at one of the Indian grocery stores in Atlanta.  Hmmm.

That's it for now.  I have to see what I can drink to get me through the afternoon since I can't have masala chai or a cold cola.


  1. I've made dosas on my cast iron tortilla skillet. Granted, they weren't as pretty as the ones I ate in India, but they were just as tasty.

    I'm enjoying your blog. I just got turned onto it yesterday, and have caught up to the present. It's fun. Much love to Vikas and Jasmine.


  2. Woah a 2 hour massage sounds like heaven! Glad to see your taking care. Surely there some type of coconut milk available that you can use for your tea? I really miss you guys. Please give Jasmine and Vikas a big hug and a kind hello to all Vika's family. The fall leaves are beautiful caramel colors here and weather is turning colder. We are getting ready for Thanksgiving and 11 members of the Tysver's coming for the holiday!! Liz

  3. Ali, these dosa's are kind of shaped like a shallow spinning top. Did you have those when you were in India? They are pure white and kind of springy like the injera at the Ethiopian restaurants but much thicker. They're not at all like the dosa that comes with masala dosa. I'm intrigued by just how many kinds of dosa there are.

    Liz, I'm feeling jealous about the pretty fall leaves and cool weather. That's my favorite time of year. Sounds like you're going to be very busy for thanksgiving. I don't know what I'm going to do about thanksgiving here. I have to try to make some sort of traditional dinner for us. Will keep you posted. Love to all.

  4. try hot tea with mint (green or black, I favor green). That is what they drink in the middle east. Very refreshing despite being hot
    sending you some love from San Francisco!

  5. I so wish I had access to Ayurveda in Buffalo. Carolena and I had a good long talk about it a few years ago, the result of which was my going on a search. I found nobody -- well, rather, I found one "Ayurveda counselor" who quite honestly seemed quacked of her mind. Since I had no interest in praying on a rosary as part of her "treatment", I only saw her once. All the Ayurveda "doctors" and therapists near me, are not very near, and I question just how good they are I can never seem to find full information on them.
